Tour Name: TOUR AGT 3
Dates of operation: 02/02
Languages of operation: Turkish/English (Ask for other languages.)
Starting time/from: 08:30 Hotel Ramada Plaza Izmir, Mürselpaşa Blv. No:12, Konak-Izmir
Our tour takes us to one of the most important cultural and religious centers of the ancient world – Pergamon. We will visit the acropolis, once holding the largest library of the world and see the theatre – the steepest in the world, that could host up to 15.000 spectators. Our technical visits will include the largest greenhouse producer and one of the largest dairy plants of Turkey.
Please fill the form on the right for current prices.
0 (242) 323 08 92
Pzt. Cts. 09:00 / 18:00
Tour Name: TOUR AGT 5 Dates of operation: 03/02 Languages of operation: Turkish/English (Ask for other languages.) Starting time/from: 08:30 Hotel Ramada Plaza Izmir, Mürselpaşa Blv. No:12, Konak-Izmir We will visit an international producer of herbs and herbal teas in the […]
TUR ADI: AGT 1 TUR TARİHLERİ: 02/02, 03/02, 04/02 TUR DİLİ: TÜRKÇE – İNGİLİZCE (diğer lisanlar için lütfen sorunuz.) BAŞLANGIÇ SAAT VE YERİ: 09:00 HOTEL RAMADA PLAZA İZMİR Aracımız bizi İzmir’in en sevilen yerlerinden olan Bostanlı/Karşıyaka bölgesine götürüyor. Oradan feribot […]
Tour Name: TOUR AGT 6 Dates of operation: 03/02 Languages of operation: Turkish/English (Ask for other languages.) Starting time/from: 08:30 Hotel Ramada Plaza Izmir, Mürselpaşa Blv. No:12, Konak-Izmir Or tour starts with a visit to Klazomenai, one of the first cities […]
Tel : +90 242 323 08 92 - 93
Tel : +90 532 666 20 10
Fax : +90 242 323 08 94
Çağlayan Mah. 2018 Sk. No:5
Hüseyin Atmaca Apt. D.2
07230 Muratpaşa - ANTALYA/ TÜRKİYE
TURSAB : 1880