31 Jan 2018, Wednesday – ARRIVAL IN IZMIR
Your local representative will meet you at Izmir Airport. Group transfer to the hotel, where you can meet your fellow travellers. Overnight.
01 Feb 2018, Thursday – VISITING THE AGROEXPO (B)
Pick up from your hotel after breakfast and transfer to the Agroexpo. The Agroexpo takes place on a total indoor area of 110.000 m2. 850 exhibitors from all parts of Turkey and 60 other countries. The exhibitions will feature all kinds of agricultural mechanization and technologies, greenhouse technologies, watering and irrigation systems, fertilizers, pesticides, seed, seedling, sapling and horticulture, ecological agriculture, agro-informatics, livestock raising , animal production machinery, dairy and meat technology. You will be escorted to your pre-arranged B2B meetings and have time to explore other areas of the trade fair. Transfer from the fair ground to the hotel. Evening for leisure.
02 Feb 2018, Friday – optional DAYTOUR – technical and/or touristic visits (B)
You can chose any of our day tours as an add-on to this package.
03 Feb 2018, Saturday – VISITING THE AGROEXPO (B)
Pick up from your hotel after breakfast and transfer to the Agroexpo. You will be escorted to your pre-arranged B2B meetings and have time to explore other areas of the trade fair. Transfer from the fair ground to the hotel. Evening for leisure.
04 Feb 2018, Sunday – departure transfer (or extension, see post- tour)
Group transfer to Izmir Airport according to your departure time.
Prices: 3-star hotel 4-star hotel
Per person in Double/Twin room EUR 125 EUR 155
Single room EUR 157 EUR 215
Sample hotels:
3-STAR Hotel Yumukoglu or similar
4-STAR Hotel Ramada Plaza Izmir or similar
Please note that all technical visits are subject to availability and will be confirmed latest 15 days prior to departure.
0 (242) 323 08 92
Pzt. Cts. 09:00 / 18:00
Tour Name: TOUR AGT 1 & 2 Dates of operation: 02/02, 03/02, 04/02 Languages of operation: Turkish/English (Ask for other languages.) Starting time/from: 09:00 Hotel Ramada Plaza Izmir, Mürselpaşa Blv. No:12, Konak-Izmir Combination of tours 1&2 as full day. Please fill […]
TUR ADI: AGT 6 TUR TARİHLERİ: 04/02 TUR DİLİ: TÜRKÇE – İNGİLİZCE (Diğer lisanlar için lütfen sorunuz.) BAŞLANGIÇ SAAT VE YERİ: 08:30 HOTEL RAMADA PLAZA İZMİR Antik çağın en önemli kültürel ve dini merkezlerinden biri olan Efes’i ziyaret ediyoruz. Bütün misyonerlik gezilerinde […]
TUR ADI: AGT 1 TUR TARİHLERİ: 02/02, 03/02, 04/02 TUR DİLİ: TÜRKÇE – İNGİLİZCE (diğer lisanlar için lütfen sorunuz.) BAŞLANGIÇ SAAT VE YERİ: 09:00 HOTEL RAMADA PLAZA İZMİR Aracımız bizi İzmir’in en sevilen yerlerinden olan Bostanlı/Karşıyaka bölgesine götürüyor. Oradan feribot […]
Tel : +90 242 323 08 92 - 93
Tel : +90 532 666 20 10
Fax : +90 242 323 08 94
Çağlayan Mah. 2018 Sk. No:5
Hüseyin Atmaca Apt. D.2
07230 Muratpaşa - ANTALYA/ TÜRKİYE
TURSAB : 1880